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Okay, that was friggen cool. Nice job team.

I'm going to basically reiterate what I said about the the prequel Non-Euclidian Rooms:

This game is amazing, mind-bending, and all around a good puzzle game that keeps you focused on smaller challenges while warping your reality. You go into a door upright and come out the other end across the room, sideways with your mind asking how you got there, and that's alright by me!

My Playthrough:


absolutely amazing, my head hurts. 15/10


I love this game. Could you add lever builder mode so I can build my own level worlds?


great work
 i find out this way in "the meeting" puzzle


Awsome  game!

Gotta play this game
also I'd want to unironically fr live in this house
or/and be trapped as of an Escape Room in a huge room labyrinth with walls such like these in your game!

Loved the aesthetics of this! And it took me quite a while before I knew what I was supposed to do.
One thing though, and it might be me missing something crucial, but I would love for the game to save my progress (or an option to save manually). After a lot of progress, if you accidentally fall, it throws you back to a certain point saying "you got lost too far" and then you have to redo all your progress. I was almost at the end (I think), but when this happened, I lost my motivation to finish the game.
The only other thing I could wish for here is an option to rotate my point of view with the keyboard, so as to not have to use both keyboard and mouse. Alternatively, an option to navigate/walk with the mouse!
But all in all it was amazing and really clever!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game!
There is checkpoints before/after each puzzle so you should never lost much progress. At one point, there are things you can do in different order but they are also saved. The "you got lost too far" can be annoying, sorry for that, it brings you back to your last checkpoint and in the "hub" section it's frustrating.

Thank you for the suggestion about a mouse-only mode, it's a good point and I will keep it in mind if I ever come back to update this game

Thanks for the reply! I'm  at least glad for those checkpoints.  I'll probably come back to the game and finish it some day soon, was just a bit taken aback yesterday. ;)


nice game when i heard euclid i thought it was a scp game but its nice

I loved this game! I'm just wondering, is there a sequel that's been created?

This game is awesome! It really gets the brain working. It's also cool that we look like jellyfish.

I LOVE IT, made my brain hurt but i did it


Wonderful game! Remainds of Portal.

Amazing, just AMAZING! I love games that take place in non-Euclidean spaces, and this was AWESOME! It also gives a lot of freedom to the player, and I spent an hour or so exploring the different gravity directions in the first room before finally finding a way to cheese it! 10 out of 10, literally epic. You absolutely nailed the aesthetics too, and the fact that you could set the FOV to 90 and turn the filter to noise made it so great and playable! And the secret "Non-Euclidean Room" was just plain rad. You should definitely create more games that take place in non-Euclidean spaces! 


I LOVE THIS GAME!! I love the tower level.

Love it


This is amazing, How do you plan to make the full game? Are you going on kickstarter?

This game is a piece of art, thanks really.


Amazing artwork, did you do it by yourself?


(2 edits)

Pretty nice this game. I just couldn't on the laser was in upside-down statue and I tried so much Any spot we can't reach the lever.

The third part and last one(fourth) I bring here as soon as possible. But those are done. Just upload them and paste here. Maybe I doing something wrong, just one single box and that upside-down statue hum... I cannot reach that lever anyway. hahahahaha But I loved the game, I liked the protagonist character being a sort of tentacle alien and not human being (original idea). Another original idea is that multiverse three dimensions Genial! Wicked truly. I liked that idea when we walking around and watch some door or windows from same dimension but in opposite positions and locations e can see us ourselves passing through there as well we seeing our past and our future, but in real time motion. Very cool. Congratulations and sorry about my weak english. Greetings from Brazil and as soon as possible I will upload here that couple parts left. If you make some more games in this style or some continuation I will plays and bring here either. Very very good. :)

Was gonna try speed running it but the competition is too heavy... they pretty much got it down.


Great game, pitty it has only like 15 minutes of gameplay. But i liked it.

(1 edit) (+1)

fifteen minutes when you did yet play before. At first time you might missing much more time in.


Great game, the meeting and the run XD
If it wasn't for the names I totally wouldn't have solved them XD


The "Gravity bridge" was really hard.

So there is a sense of accomplishment.   It was fun!


HOLY SHIT WAS THIS AMAZING!!!! feelingg like my brain just exploded would love to see more of this game nusan

Out of curiosity, would you consider putting this game on a standard console?

I could consider putting Fragments of Euclid on console but only if I put more content in it, right now it's a bit short I think.

Loved it! 

im stuck on "lone cube"-or whatever its there a specific order to completing it

Hello! "Lone cube" can be a bit hard. You can return back to "transfert" if you want and there is other puzzles you can access from there. To solve "Lone cube", you first have to open the gate beyond the little bridge. The switch to open it just above it, behind another gate you have maintain open while dropping the cube through another door. If this doesn't help, here is a walkthrough you can look at:

I had found the solution about 20 minutes after i posted the comment, but i forgot to delete it sorr

No problem, I'm glad you found the solution solution, have a nice game!


HOLY SHIT MY BRAIN HAS MELTED THANK YOU SO MUCH! Damn this is an amazing game that had me questioning my very existence! I don't even know how you come up with these puzzles at all but they work so well and have a new aspect intruduced at every corner. Plus the ambience and unsettling sounds really set the mood and made everything feel like it was off and that something was gonna big is gonna happen in the end. And boy did it!


I really loved it, super clever and mind bending puzzle mechanics, I felt lost more than once! But it all comes together quite nicely! You can be proud, I love how this looks and the ambiance it has, very otherworldly, and that Euclid in the end xD

Would buy a full version of it!


Hi mate, have you considered releasing this game on steam? I would gladly pay (again) for it to have it there in my library. 

Please consider it. Thanks for the amazing game, it was something rly special.

This game looks so fun. Non-euclidian or something i cant spell it games are fun

Wow I just played It and it is very fun and I like to write very long run on sentences and also it is fun did I say that i do not know but It is fun to adventure around the world that confuzzles me wow this is epic.

In fact you did spell "non-Euclidian" exactly right


Wait the joke's on both of us, I just bothered to check and it's non-Euclidean with an E. Oh well lol


Wooo, this game is awsome. I was playing for at leas 3 hours.

I want a game when you have to get away from some creature in a non euclidean world.

This was an extremely fun game.


that was so so so coooool

(1 edit)

digging it


Didn't you consider a KickStarter or something like that? I'd like to play the next episode and I'd give some money to see it.


I think I said "how is that even possible?" about 137 times, grinning the entire way.

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