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A MASTERPIECE!  WOW!  I didn't want to leave the starting area to start the game as I was trying to wrap my head around what was happening.  This is polished genius and definitely a throwback for fans of Portal.


Thanks for the great game!

Love the name (hated "Non-Euclidean Room", the geometry is Euclidean here, it is just the topology which is weird).

For the sequel maybe the third-turn space could be used for something, it has similar Escher's Relativity effects, but is a complete manifold, not walls with portals (a bit like in Manifold Garden but connected in a more Escheresque way).

hey, you are the creator of hyper rogue right? I have a question for you, what inspired you to do this game? Its very creative and very well made and i wish that you keep working on it!

Other thing i need to know, could tou recommend some non-euclidian games and simulations, i am searching for all kinds but i would like to see something about spherical geometry.

Sorry if i wrote something wrong cause i am not a native speaker


Hello, I'm not the creator of hyper rogue, it is zenorogue if I'm not mistaken

I'm glad you liked the game, my inspiration where mostly Antichamber and a game I saw in a festival but did not get released yet, De Pictura: 

Also I started this project during a game jam (ludum dare) where the theme was "One room" so that made me think about how to use portals to make you loop in one giant room. You can still play that small game here:

If you like that theme, I recommend youtube channel "Code Parade" that has several videos around non-euclidean geometry and his even working on a game inspired by hyper rogue.

I would love to see games about curved spaces but I don't know many. I worked on ideas around that for a sequel of Fragments of Euclid, but unfortunately right now development is paused and I don't know if it will start again someday ...

Please, consider releasing the game on steam!! :))))  would LOVE having it there with all my library. I would totally pay for it again. The game is truly amazing.


Your English is great! Though probably it would be better to ask this on the page of HyperRogue, as it is confusing and harder to find that way :)

Regarding inspirations, well, I have always been interested in both mathematics and game design, so naturally I wanted to create a game in non-Euclidean geometry. I have written a series of blogposts about all the inspirations of HyperRogue: (I must update it...). Thanks, we are planning to keep working on it :)

I have collected cool games and simulations are in the "geometry" link I have posted above. 



Ahah, I didn't see that it was a reply to your post, sorry for the confusion ^^

To respond to your post from 71 days ago, "Non Euclidean Room" was the only name my poor brain could come up when the ludum dare game jam ended late at night ... For a possible sequel, I worked on "scaling portals" when you connect portals of different sizes and could even do non uniforme scales. I also tested curved portals that would distord the world when you cross them. But all my tests where more about bending meshes than really bending the space.

Thank you for all the reading and links in your articles, I will read that with attention.

M. C. Escher x Non-Euclidean puzzles is my dream! Amazing aesthetics and graet puzzles. 

Despite the estimated playtime of 45 minutes, I feel like it took me that long each for figuring out what to do in Lone Cube and Gravity Bridge, but I'm glad I managed to reach the ending without any hint. The secret room was a nice touch too. 

I'd like to play more of this and I'm ready to pay for that! Please keep up the great work!

Very nice

Hello! I love your game! Unlike others comments that I have read I find it very hard and it took me hours to activate one laser. I would love to play again but the game doesn't save and I don't want to start it all over - again. How can I solve this?

Hello, I'm glad you like the game! Your progress should be autosaved so that when you launch the game again you can just select "continue" to resume your progress to the last "checkpoint". I hope this works for you.

It did not save on my macbook but did on desktop.  Thank you!


Wow this game would be perfect in VR..

this game is absolutely awesome 

what a great time! absolutely looking forward to more of your work

this game is absolutely awesome and that to be continued gave me hope for another game like this

I really enjoyed at this, with that gravity, puzzles and more. Hope you will add more stuff and levels :D

Amazing game! Great concept and clever puzzles! I only have one little suggestion, could the camera angle be a little wider? I often felt like I couldn't see enough of the space at once...

I hope that you'll work more on this great game!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game! You can change the camera angle in the options if you want to.

Great demo, fun puzzle solving and lot of potential

The paper-made background is amazing, keep it up👍

This is fantastic!  I love a good puzzle game, and I especially love the non-euclidean geometry stuff happening!  I am also really impressed by the look of the game, it really carries Escher's style.  


Amazing game, nothing wrong with it. Fun to play! :)

(1 edit)

I just paid 5$ for the game but when i try to run it nothing happens and i am very confused
*Edit* my download initially was just funny i re-downloaded the zip and extracted it and it worked perfectly, the dev was very helpful on twitter 10/10


masterpiece. I'd definately pay for an expanded version.

This game, is pure gold.

What would be the age rating for this game?

This game is suited for every age, but might be a bit difficult to understand for a young child.

I'm hoping that you are still working on this absolute masterpiece good sir.

will you add a level maker? It would be really nice to experiment with non-euclidean space

(2 edits) (+1)

I love puzzle games and played a lot of them, but this one is quite special. Really good level design and mechanics and physics. Especially the "dropping cubes on the floor to use them as a staircase in other perspective" is pretty neat. Compared to Etherborn (finished it yesterday) or games like Bridge or Antichamber, this is easily my favourite and one of the best designed I played on itch so far. Hope to see more of your work and from this game!

Seeing the character model for the first time scared me, but as I kept looking at at its a really neat design.


The level design is really good. Sent you money for this ;)

I love this game!

what a great time! absolutely looking forward to more of your work

NuSan, (if you're reading this) would you be able to post the code in a git repo? I'm very curious as to how you handle the odd physics, and I would love to be able to check out your code! 

Also, this is by far the coolest non-euclidean game I've seen so far! 

:o ♥

Great game!


Your game still is so fun to play!

Hoping for more soon


I'm still hoping you'll develop this into a full game. I'll pay you! With...

*searches pockets*! I'll pay real cashmoneypounds for more of this.


This game is awesome! I never saw something similar.

Thanks for this great game! If you could add more filter would be great.

Very cool! Thanks for this game!

This is a wonderful game, and the song in the secret place is really nice. Sad it's not in with the rest of the soundtrack, it'd be nice to jam out to.

(1 edit) (+2)

what secret place?

Edit:  I looked it on internet. Whoah, I can't believe I didn't find this.

It's the old game, the oldest one, from when it wasn't called fragments of euclid. NuSan was testing the teleportation, in FoE apparently he added the rotation of the view and with it, so much more to do in the game than just activate cirlces. That's an idea @NuSan you could make a sequel in which the game isn't a puzzle game about activating stuff, but a game with a story that unravels in this weird impossible game. For example it could be set after you meet Euclid. He tells you that you are in his world. A world were geometry isn't bound to the laws of nature and he could create new more interesting things. He tells you that he was training you. Training you to navigate this world and save it from an invading force. xd


I'm glad you liked the game! The story you imagined is in fact close to what I wanted to put in the next episode. You learn more about Euclid and help him through new mechanics. Unfortunately after working several month on a new episode, the project is in halt for the moment I hope to revives it one day and show you all the cool things I added.

I'm so happy to hear that you're working on a new episode.

I'm trying to make a game inspired in yours too, and I can understand how hard it is to make the game while studying/working/doing other stuff. So don't worry, take your time. I hope you get to finish it soon <3

But don't feel pushed, only program if you feel like it, it is the love the programmer and designer puts into the game that makes it so good. 


Thank you for playing the game! The song from the secret place is not it the soundtrack as it was made by me for the original prototype during Ludum Dare, and not by the composer of the other tracks. If you like it, you can find it here:

Deleted post

My brain expresses gratitude :)

Alse it wants to show the game to my friends.

Just finished the game and loved it. Great aesthetic and nice story line to keep me motivated.  The nausea thing is interesting - not complaining - just feels weird shifting perspective so much, it's a challenge for the brain/inner ear.

Thanks for the experience!


it really make me feel dizzy but still its a really nice game

 but still
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