Pain Masher
Use arrow keys and Z key to move around, grab some zombies and mash until they die. You may hurt your avatar in the process though and you will have to decide between pain and sanity.
This game has been made for Open Jam 2018 with the theme "spam to win".
NuSan_OpenJam18_Src.tic 38 kB
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So... How does mental work? The more of those pick-up-ables you grab, the red circles in the green squares, the lower your mental meter goes it seems. So how do you get it back up?
It's a game you cannot "win" as you cant bring your mental up. You can get a better score by smashing zombies while never getting too much "pain" that you get permanent "damage". But to go faster you are tempted to take the pills but it will permanently lower your "mental". It's a bit silly as a game.
Oh, it's just a big game of catch-22.
I like that.